Eight Verses of the Yorozuyo

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Mikagura-uta (Japanese).jpg
The Service
Sections One, Two, and Three
Songs for the Kagura
Section Four
Section Five
(Twelve Songs)
Song One
Song Two
Song Three
Song Four
Song Five
Song Six
Song Seven
Song Eight
Song Nine
Song Ten
Song Eleven
Song Twelve
Date Composed

Eight Verses of the Yorozuyo (よろづよ八首 Yorozuyo hasshu), often simply called "Yorozuyo," refers to section four of the Mikagura-uta. It is occasionally referred to as the “prologue” (dashi) of the Teodori/Twelve Songs. The Eight Verses of the Yorozuyo are based on the first eight verses of the Ofudesaki and said to have been added to the Tenrikyo canon in 1870.

The name "Yorozuyo" comes from the first phrase of the text, which means "manifold ages." Although it is a convention in Tenrikyo literature to write "Yorozuyo" in hiragana, it is possible to apply the kanji 萬代.

Yorozuyo: Content

Eight Verses of the Yorozuyo
Looking all over the world and through all ages, yorozuyo no sekai ichiretsu miharasedo よろづよのせかい一れつみはらせど
I find no one who has understood My heart. mune no wakarita mono wa nai むねのわかりたものはない
So should it be, for I have never taught it before, sono hazu ya toite kikashita koto wa nai そのはずやといてきかしたことハない
It is natural that you know nothing. shiranu ga muri dewa nai wai na しらぬがむりでハないわいな
This time I, God, revealing Myself to the fore, kono tabi wa Kami ga omote e arawarete このたびはかみがおもてへあらハれて
Teach you all the truth in detail. nanika isai o toki kikasu なにかいさいをときゝかす
You are calling this place the Jiba, the home of God, in Yamato; kono tokoro Yamato no Jiba no Kamigata to このところやまとのぢばのかみがたと
But you do not know of its origin. yūte ire domo moto shiranu いうていれどももとしらぬ
If you are told of this origin in full, kono moto o kuwashiku kiita koto naraba このもとをくはしくきいたことならバ
Great yearning will come over you, whoever you may be. ikana mono demo koishi naru いかなものでもこいしなる
If you wish to hear and will come to Me, kikitakuba tazune kuru nara yūte kikasu きゝたくバたづねくるならいうてきかす
I will tell you the truth that this place is the origin of any and everything. yorozu isai no moto naru o よろづいさいのもとなるを
When I, God, reveal Myself and teach you everything in detail, Kami ga dete nanika isai o toku naraba かみがでゝなにかいさいをとくならバ
All people in the world will become cheerful. sekai ichiretsu isamu nari せかい一れついさむなり
As I hasten to save all of you equally, ichiretsu ni hayaku tasuke o isogu kara 一れつにはやくたすけをいそぐから
I will set out to cheer up all the minds of the world. sekai no kokoro mo isame kake せかいのこゝろもいさめかけ
(Namu Tenri-Ō-no-Mikoto. Yoshi yoshi)

The Otefuri Guide

よろづよの せかい 一れつ みはらせど むねの わかりた もの はない
Yorozuyo no sekai ichiretsu miharasedo Mu(u)ne no wakarita mono wa nai.
all ages the world all over looking heart has understood person there is no
そのはずや といて きかした こと ハない しらぬが むりでハ ないわいな
Sono hazu ya toite kikashita koto wa nai Shiranu ga muri dewa naiwaina.
so should it be tell have you listen occasion there was no not knowing unreasonable is not
この たびは かみが おもてへ あらハれて なにか いさいを とき ゝかす
Kono tabi wa Kami ga omote e arawarete Na(a)nika isai o toki kikasu.
this time God to the fore being revealed every detail tell have you listen
この ところ やまとの ぢばの かみがたと いうて いれども もと しらぬ
Kono tokoro Yamato no Jiba(a) no Kamigata to yū(u)te iredomo moto shiranu.
this place in Yamato the Jiba God's home calling though origin do not know
このもとを くはしく きいた ことならバ いかな もの でも こいし なる
Kono moto o kuwashiku kii(i)ta koto naraba I(i)kana mono demo koishi naru.
this origin in full listen to if whatever person may be yearnful become
きゝたくバ たづね くる なら いうて きかす よろづ いさいの もと なるを
Kikitakuba tazune kuru nara yūte kikasu Yorozu isai no moto naru o.
if you wish to hear to inquire come if (I) tell have you listen every detail's origin (this place) is
かみが でゝ なにか いさいを とく ならバ せかい 一れつ いさむなり
Kami ga de(e)te nanika isai o toku naraba Se(e)kai ichiretsu isamu nari.
God revealed every detail teach when the world all people become cheerful
一れつに はやく たすけを いそぐから せかいの こゝろも いさめかけ
Ichiretsu ni hayaku tasuke o isogu kara Sekai no kokoro mo isame kake.
all of you equally quickly to save as (I) hasten the world's minds (I) set out to cheer up


Yo ro zu yo no se ka i i chi re tsu mi ha ra se do
Through all the a- ges, e- qual- ly a- cross the world God looked you o- ver,
Mu ne no wa ka ri ta mo no wa na i
but found none who un- der- stood the heart with- in Him.
So no ha zu ya to i te ki ka shi ta ko to wa na i
There is a rea- son: for He nev- er taught you all so that you might learn;
Shi ra nu ga mu ri de wa na i wa i na
it is not un- rea- son- a- ble that no one knows Him.
Ko no ta bi wa ka mi ga o mo te e a ra wa re te
On this oc- ca- sion o- pen- ly God comes to you in His full god- head
Na ni ka i sa i o to ki ki ka su
for He teach- es and ex- plains things in full de- tail.
Ko no to ko ro Ya ma to no Ji ba no Ka mi ga ta to
Though you call this place the Ji- ba of Ya- ma- to, God's true res- i- dence,
Yu- u te i re do mo mo to shi ra nu
still a- bout its or- i- gin you don't un- der- stand.


The official English translation of the Eight Verses of the Yorozuyo can be found in the following publications: