Song Four

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Mikagura-uta (Japanese).jpg
The Service
Sections One, Two, and Three
Songs for the Kagura
Section Four
Section Five
(Twelve Songs)
Song One
Song Two
Song Three
Song Four
Song Five
Song Six
Song Seven
Song Eight
Song Nine
Song Ten
Song Eleven
Song Twelve
Date Composed

Song Four (四下り目 Yo Kudari-me) is one of the Twelve Songs of the Mikagura-uta. It is said to have been composed by Oyasama in 1867. There was a time when it was referred as "Chapter Four" in English.


Song Four
Yo Kudari-me
First, Whatever others may say; hitotsu hito ga nanigoto iwō tomo 一ツ ひとがなにごといはうとも
God is watching, so be at ease! Kami ga miteiru ki o shizume かみがみているきをしずめ
Second, Settle the minds of the two of you in one accord! futatsu futari no kokoro o osame iyo 二ツ ふたりのこゝろををさめいよ
Then any and everything shall be realized. nanika no koto o mo arawareru なにかのことをもあらはれる
Third, All of you close to Me, mittsu mina miteiyo soba na mono 三ツ みなみてゐよそばなもの
Watch whatever God acts and works! Kami no suru koto nasu koto o かみのすることなすことを
Fourth, Night and day, dong! chang! we perform the Service; yottsu yoru hiru don chan Tsutome suru 四ツ よるひるどんちやんつとめする
The neighbors may feel it noisy and annoying. soba mo yakamashi utatekaro そばもやかましうたてかろ
Fifth, As I am always in haste to save you, itsutsu itsu mo tasuke ga seku kara ni 五ツ いつもたすけがせくからに
Quickly become joyful and come to Me! hayaku yōki ni narite koi はやくやうきになりてこい
Sixth, Villagers I wish to save at once, muttsu murakata hayaku ni tasuke tai 六ツ むらかたはやくにたすけたい
But they do not understand My heart. naredo kokoro ga wakaraide なれどこゝろがわからいで
Seventh, Helping each other in any and everything, nanatsu nanika yorozu no tasuke-ai 七ツ なにかよろづのたすけあい
Ponder over it from your innermost heart! mune no uchi yori shian seyo むねのうちよりしあんせよ
Eighth, All illness shall be completely rooted out, yattsu yamai no sukkiri ne wa nukeru 八ツ やまひのすつきりねはぬける
And step by step your hearts will become cheerful. kokoro wa dandan isami kuru こゝろハだん/\いさみくる
Ninth, Here is paradise on this earth. kokonotsu koko wa kono yo no gokuraku ya 九ツ こゝはこのよのごくらくや
I, too, wish to go quickly to worship. washi mo hayabaya mairi tai わしもはや/\まゐりたい
Finally, This time, my innermost heart has become completely pure. tōdo kono tabi mune no uchi 十ド このたびむねのうち
How grateful I am! sumikiri mashita ga arigatai すみきりましたがありがたい

The Otefuri Guide

一ツ ひとが なにごといはうとも かみが みている きを しずめ
HITOTSU Hito ga nanigoto iwo(o) tomo Kami ga miteiru ki o shizume.
1st others whatever they may say God watching (your) heart put at ease
二ツ ふたりの こゝろを をさめいよ なにかの ことをも あらはれる
FUTATSU Futari no kokoro o osameiyo Nanika no koto o mo arawareru.
2nd two persons' minds settle in one accord every thing appears
三ツ みな みてゐよ そばなもの かみの すること なすことを
MITTSU Mina miteiyo sobana mono Kami no suru koto nasu koto o.
3rd all watch those who are close to Me God's acts works
四ツ よるひる どんちやん つとめ する そばも やかまし うたてかろ
YOTTSU Yoru hiru don chan Tsutome suru Soba mo yakamashi utate karo.
4th night and day dong! chang! Service perform neighbors feel it noisy feel it annoying
五ツ いつも たすけが せくからに はやく やうきに なりてこい
ITSUTSU Itsumo tasuke ga seku karani Hayaku yōki ni narite koi.
5th always salvation because (I) hasten quickly joyful become
六ツ むらかた はやくに たすけたい なれど こゝろが わからいで
MUTTSU Murakata hayaku ni tasuketai Naredo kokoro ga wakaraide.
6th villagers quickly (I) wish to save but heart do not understand
七ツ なにか よろづの たすけあい むねの うちより しあんせよ
NANATSU Nanika yorozu no tasukeai Mune no uchi yori shian seyo.
7th any every helping each other heart from within ponder over
八ツ やまひの すつきり ねは ぬける こゝろハ だん/\ いさみくる
YATTSU Yamai no sukkiri ne wa nukeru Kokoro wa dandan isami kuru.
8th illness completely root pull out heart step by step becomes cheerful
九ツ こゝは このよの ごくらくや わしも はや/\ まゐりたい
KOKONOTSU Koko wa kono yo no gokuraku ya Washi mo hayabaya mairitai.
9th here this world's paradise I also quickly wish to go to worship
十ド このたび むね のうち すみきり ましたが ありがたい
TO(O)DO Kono tabi mune no uchi Sumikiri mashita ga arigatai.
Finally this time heart innermost part completely pure has become how grateful


The official English translation of Song Four can be found in the following publications: