Ofudesaki chushaku 11:025–40
Ofudesaki | ||||||
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Part 1 |
This section contains translated material that has not yet been subjected to peer-review to check for accuracy and clarity. While the translator(s) have given their best effort to render Japanese text into English, we would like readers to keep in mind that the present translation may require further revising and refining. Any input to improve the present translation is greatly welcomed. Translator(s): Roy Forbes |
11:25–40 *General summary: Oyasama’s third daughter Haru, who was married to Sojiro Kajimoto and lived in Ichinomoto, passed away for rebirth on 6/18/1872 (lunar calendar). She had left behind five children, with the oldest being 15 years old. Since the Kajimoto household was troubled over having no one to look after the housework and other tasks, the family earnestly requested Haru’s younger sister Kokan to become Sojiro’s wife. However, Oyasama did not give Her consent as it went against God’s intention. For Kokan’s causality determined that she was to remain at Jiba and Oyagami’s intention was for her to forever contribute to the task of single-hearted salvation. (Refer to verses 11:28–32 and note for 11:69–72.) Nevertheless, Kokan was pressed by those near her to go to the Kajimoto household. Unable to bear to see their nephews and nieces in such a troubled situation, both Shuji, the legal head of the Nakayama household at the time, and Kokan herself succumbed to human sentiment and she went to the Kajimoto household. Human sentiment cannot fathom the depth of God’s intention. In 1875 Kokan subsequently received severe guidance upon her body and her condition grew increasingly worse. She finally gained insight into the hard reality of the situation and that it was impossible to go against God’s intention. She resolved her mind and returned home to Oyasama’s side, despite her condition. However, just at the time Oyasama was sentenced to serve a detainment at Nara Prison between 8/26–30 (lunar calendar), a sentence that resulted from the construction of the South Gatehouse at the Residence. During Her absence, Kokan passed away for rebirth at the age of 39 on 8/28 (lunar calendar). Oyasama was given a reprieve from her detention and returned from the prison. Though filled with grief, Oyasama smiled at the lifeless Kokan as if she were still very much alive and said: “You are not going to go anywhere. (Your body is) like an empty shell of a cicada, your soul remains here at this Residence. You are to return once again and be reborn here at this Residence.” (Refer to note for 9:36–39) |
『おふでさき註釈』、p. 169–71 二五―四〇、総註 明治五年陰暦六月十八日、櫟本の梶本家に嫁いでおられたおはる様(おやさまの第三女)が出直されたが、当時、梶本家には、十五歳を頭に当年生まれにいたるまで五人の子供があって、手不足勝ちで家事万端に就て種々の困難を感じいられたので、その後妻としておはる様の妹たるこかん様はぢばにいんねんある方であって、この方をおぢばに留めて置いて、いつまでも親神様がたすけ一条の上に御用をおさせになる思召しだったからである。(本号二八―三二及六九―七二註参照) 然るに、側々の勧めもあり、且つその困っておられる有様も、見ているに忍びなかったので、当時戸主であった秀司先生及び本人のこかん様も、遂に人情にほだされて、梶本家へ赴かれた。しかし、神意のこう遠は人意を以て計かり難く、その後、明治八年こかん様は身上に重いお手入れを受けられ、益々容態が悪くなったので、ここに初めて神意の厳として動かすべからざるを悟られ、遂に意を決し病を冒しておやさまの許へ帰宅されたが、時あたかもお屋敷の門屋新築の件に関し、おやさまが奈良監獄へ二十六日から三日間御苦労下されのを合図立て合いとして、そのお留守中の陰暦八月二十八日三十九才を一期として、遂に出直された。おやさまは、その日監獄からお帰りになってこれを御覧遊ばされ、暫し御愁傷の態であったが「お前は何処へも行くやない。せみの抜けがらも同じ事、魂はこの屋敷に留まっている。またこの屋敷に生まれ帰って来るのやで。」と、さながら生ける人に物言う如く微笑やかに仰せられたという。(第九号三六―三九註参照。) |