Ofudesaki unnumbered set

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Ofudesaki (English).jpg
Author: Miki Nakayama
Date Published: 1998
Pages: 486 (English ed.)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
unnumbered set

Ofudesaki unnumbered set (Jpn: Ofudesaki gogai おふでさき号外) refer to verses Oyasama wrote in exterior volumes of the Ofudesaki She gave to devoted followers that are not found in the original manuscript preserved at Her Residence.

According to the Tenrikyo jiten, there are 14 unnumbered set verses that do not appear in the original manuscript.[1]

Tsuji family copy: “Seeds of your sincere devotion”

The seeds of your sincere devotion sown day after day, nichinichi ni kokoro tsukushita monodane o にち/\に心つくしたものだねを
I have certainly accepted. Kami ga tashika uketorite iru 神がたしかにうけとりている
The seed which God truly accepts shinjitsu ni Kami no uketoru monodane wa しんぢつに神のうけとるものだねわ
will never decay through all eternity. itsu ni naritemo kusaru me wa nashi いつになりてもくさるめわなし
When these seeds sprout in the course of time, dandan to kono monodane ga haeta nara たん/\とこのものだねがはへたなら
it will be the talk of all ages to come.[2] kore matsudai no kōki naru zoya これまつだいのこふきなるそや[3]

Nagao family copy #1

Upon the passing of Izo and Osato's eldest son, Masajiro, in 1872, Oyasama wrote these verses for Izo:[4]

Though a shelter was built to block the wind, it is not secure. kazeyoke o dekite aredomo shimashi nashi かぜよけをできてあれどもしましなし
Quickly make arrangements so it will be tight and secure. hayaku shimari moyō suru nari はやくしまりもようするなり
Ponder the place where you will live for eternity. itsu made kurasu bashō wa shian seyo いつまでもくらすばしょうはしあんせよ
Resolve your mind and quickly settle. kokoro sadamete hayaku ochitsuke こころさだめてはやくおちつけ
Once you have settled, you will no longer be wanting for clothing ochitsukeba kimono kuimono fujū nashi おちつけばきものくひものふじゅうなし
or food, and the child will be quickly returned to you. hayaku shōnin o kayasu koto nari はやくしょうにんをかやすことなり
Once the child is returned to you this time, kono shōnin kondo kayashita koto naraba この小人こんどかやしたことならば
he will become the master carpenter in the homeland of the Sun.[5] kono hi no moto no tōryō to naru この日の本のとうりょうとなる[6]

Nagao family copy #2

This section contains translated material that has not yet been subjected to peer-review to check for accuracy and clarity. While the translator(s) have given their best effort to render Japanese text into English, we would like readers to keep in mind that the present translation may require further revising and refining. Any input to improve the present translation is greatly welcomed.

Translator(s): Roy Forbes

In all matters firmly listen to what God says nanimo kamo kami no yū koto shikato kike なにもかもかみのいうことしかときけ
I do not say anything wrong. ashiki no koto wa yūde nai zo ya あしきのことはいうでないぞや
In manifold ages I call upon the Joyous Service. yorozuyo ni yōki-zutome to ii kakeru よろづよによふきづとめといいかける
If only you have a mind that is truly sincere. shinjitsu kokoro makoto aru nara しんじつこころまことあるなら
Ponder while listening to what God says. shian seyo kami no yū koto kiki nagara しあんせよかみのいうことききながら
You become completely lost due to the minds of those nearby. soba na kokoro ni mina mayowasare そばなこころにみなまよわされ[7]

Shimizu family copy

This section contains translated material that has not yet been subjected to peer-review to check for accuracy and clarity. While the translator(s) have given their best effort to render Japanese text into English, we would like readers to keep in mind that the present translation may require further revising and refining. Any input to improve the present translation is greatly welcomed.

Translator(s): Roy Forbes

If you perform the Teodori and Kagura Service, teodori ya kagura-zutome o suru naraba てをどりやかぐらづとめをするならば
God's mind will become spirited. kami no kokoro ga isami kuru nari かみのこころがいさみくるなり
God's mind will become completely spirited. ichiretsu ni kami no kokoro ga isamu nari いちれつにかみのこころがいさむなり
In all matters there will be nothing wrong. nani ni tsuite mo ashiki koto nashi なにについてもあしきことなし[8]

Masuno family copy

This section contains translated material that has not yet been subjected to peer-review to check for accuracy and clarity. While the translator(s) have given their best effort to render Japanese text into English, we would like readers to keep in mind that the present translation may require further revising and refining. Any input to improve the present translation is greatly welcomed.

Translator(s): Roy Forbes

Until now, no matter what I said you erased it with your words. ima made wa nani wo yūte mo yui kesare いままではなにをいうてもゆいけされ
At this time indeed I will give a return. kono tabi koso wa kayashi suru zo ya このたびこそはかやしするぞや
What do you think of this return? kono kayashi dōyū koto ni omou kana このかやしどうゆうことにおもうかな
Know that I will withdraw from the proxy. myōdai nari to shirizoku to shire みょうだいなりとしりぞくとしれ[9]


  1. A Glossary of Tenrikyo Terms, p. 93.
  2. The Life of Oyasama, p. 91.
  3. Kohon Tenrikyo Oyasama den, p. 120–121.
  4. The Measure of Heaven: The Life of Izo Iburi, the Honseki, p. 21
  5. The Measure of Heaven: The Life of Izo Iburi, the Honseki, p. 21
  6. Shinpan Iburi Izo den, pp. 52–53.
  7. 複元第22号 中山正善著 外冊「おふでさき」の研究1より
  8. 複元第22号 中山正善著 外冊「おふでさき」の研究1より
  9. 複元第22号 中山正善著 外冊「おふでさき」の研究1より