Ofudesaki 08:078–9

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Author: Miki Nakayama
Date Published: 1998
Pages: 486 (English ed.)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
unnumbered set

Ofudesaki 08:078–9 is a set of verses from the Ofudesaki. The English translation below is the sixth edition translation.


You have heard of the Gift of Heaven to be given kono yō no ningen hajime Oya naru ni このよふの にんけんはじめ をやなるに
to the Parent of this world’s human beginnings. Ten no atae wa aru to kike domo 天のあたゑハ あるときけども
You may not know what this talk is about. kono hanashi nani no koto yara chotto shiren このはなし なにの事やら 一寸しれん
Tsukihi wishes to bestow the Food of Heaven. Tsukihi jikimotsu yaro to yūno ya 月日ぢきもつ やろとゆうのや

Alternate English translations

Third Edition

You may have heard that the Gift of Heaven shall be conferred to the Parent who gave birth to human beings of this world.

Perhaps you cannot comprehend so easily what I mean by this talk. I mean that I, Tsukihi, wish to give Her the Jikimotsu, the Heavenly Food.


You must have heard that the Heavenly Grant will be conferred to the Parent of this world, who conceived humanity.

The meaning of these words are not easily understood. I mean that Heavenly Food will be given by Me, Tsuki-Hi.


Ofudesaki chushaku

This section contains translated material that has not yet been subjected to peer-review to check for accuracy and clarity. While the translator(s) have given their best effort to render Japanese text into English, we would like readers to keep in mind that the present translation may require further revising and refining. Any input to improve the present translation is greatly welcomed.

Translator(s): Roy Forbes

8:78, 79 You may have heard that the Parent who began this world and human beings has a heavenly gift. Although you most likely have no idea what this refers to, I, Oyagami, shall give you the food of heaven.

*Note: “Food of Heaven” (jikimotsu) refers to an elixir for long life given us to the Parent of all existence, Oyagami. We are taught that we are to receive it upon placing a flat vessel atop the Kanrodai. This food of heaven shall be later given to us according to the Parent’s wishes. See verses 9:5564.

『おふでさき註釈』、p. 139–40


註 ぢきもつは、食物の事でこの世の親に、親神様がお与えになる寿命薬である。それをかんろだいに平鉢をのせて受けよ、とお教え下されている。このぢきもつは、後は親の心次第に与える事をお許しになった。第九号五五―六四参照。
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