Instruction Four (140th)

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Instruction Four is an "Instruction" from the Shinbashira Zenji Nakayama written for the "three-year, one thousand-day lead-up toward the 140th Anniversary of Oyasama (January 26, 2026). It was announced at the Autumn Grand Service Sermon delivered on October 26, 2022.


In anticipation of the 140th Anniversary of Oyasama to be observed in 2026 (Tenrikyo 189), I would like to share some of my thoughts in the hope that they will serve to unite the minds of all followers.

God the Parent became openly revealed by settling Oyasama as the Shrine upon the arrival of the Promised Time and—out of the desire to save all people throughout the world—laid the path of single-hearted salvation that leads to the Joyous Life.

Thereafter, Oyasama, as the Shrine of Tsukihi, conveyed the intention of God the Parent, taught the Service, and demonstrated the path of the Divine Model through Her own example.

On the lunar-calendar date of January 26, 1887, Oyasama withdrew from physical life by shortening Her term of life in order to hasten the spiritual growth of all humankind, Her children. Yet, She remains everliving at the Residence of Origin, providing Her workings and guidance at the forefront of world salvation.

The significance of observing an anniversary of Oyasama, therefore, is to respond to Her parental love by making decisive progress in spiritual growth, with each and every Yoboku raising his or her awareness of being Oyasama’s instrument.

In the Divine Directions, we are taught:

If you do not follow the path of the Divine Model, there is no need for a Divine Model. . . . There is no path but the path of the Divine Model.

Osashizu, November 7, 1889

The period of “three years, one thousand days” that leads up to an anniversary of Oyasama is a time for us to actively move forward on the path of single-hearted salvation by implementing the teachings with our sights set on the Divine Model.

Oyasama began the path of the Divine Model by plunging into the depths of poverty. No matter how difficult the situation was, She always remained cheerful and joyous in full accord with the mind of God the Parent.

On one occasion, for example, Oyasama said:

When we drink water, it tastes of water.

She taught us to always feel a sense of gratitude for the boundless blessings of God the Parent in any situation as we walk the path. On another occasion, She noted:

Buds sprout from knots.

She encouraged those around Her by saying that whatever happens is God’s arrangement for guiding people to spiritual maturity.

Further, we are taught:

Through saving others, you will be saved.

Oyasama taught that, if we remain singly focused on working for the salvation of others, our minds will gradually become purified without us even realizing it and will allow us to be saved and be filled with joy and brightness. Yearning for Jiba and bringing ourselves into complete accord with God the Parent’s intention will surely lead us to the day when we gain a convincing insight. Indeed, the fifty-year Divine Model is the single path that leads to the Joyous Life.

Today, our society is awash with self-assertion that lacks consideration for others and with indulgence in ephemeral pleasures. People are overconfident in their capabilities and tend to be swayed by self-centered human thoughts as they wander about on the mind’s dark paths.

God the Parent alerts us human beings to such misuses of the mind by giving us signs in the form of illnesses and other challenging situations. Global pandemics and frequent natural disasters are all expressions of the parental love and guidance of God, who urges us humans, who are God’s beloved children, to replace the mind. Now more than ever, we are encouraged to implement a way of life that will establish the Joyous Life where people live by helping one another based on the awareness that all human beings are brothers and sisters.

Let us Yoboku proactively visit our churches, engage in hinokishin on a daily basis, and spread the fragrance of the teachings to others, starting with those around us including our family members and coworkers. If we find people who are suffering from illnesses or other problems, let us reach out to them with love and care and pray for a solution through performing the service. We can administer the Sazuke to those who are ill and let them know that there is a path by which they can truly be saved. God the Parent will accept our true sincerity and provide free and unlimited workings accordingly.

Our predecessors earnestly followed the path that had begun with Oyasama alone by using Her Divine Model as their dependable guide and maintained the path for us to walk on. The efforts to learn and pass down the faith from parents to children, from children to grandchildren, and so on, will allow this path to continue for endless generations.

I hope that all of us followers, who have been drawn to the path, will regard the upcoming anniversary of Oyasama as a crucial opportunity to grow spiritually and take firm steps forward on the path of world salvation in unity of mind, thereby bringing joy and peace of mind to Oyasama, who is working by virtue of Her eternal life.

October 26, 2022 (Tenrikyo 185)

Zenji Nakayama The Shinbashira

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