Ofudesaki 06:004

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Author: Miki Nakayama
Date Published: 1998
Pages: 486 (English ed.)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
unnumbered set

Ofudesaki 06:004 is a verse from the Ofudesaki. The English translation below is the sixth edition translation.


What do you think this path is? kono michi wa dōyū koto ni omou kana このみちハ どふゆう事に をもうかな
It is the true path that will settle this world. kono yo osameru shinjitsu no michi このよをさめる しんぢつのみち

Alternate English translations

Third Edition

What do you think of this way? This is the true way to bring peace on this earth.


What do you think is the purpose of this path? It is the true path that brings peace to the world.


Ofudesaki chushaku

This section contains translated material that has not yet been subjected to peer-review to check for accuracy and clarity. While the translator(s) have given their best effort to render Japanese text into English, we would like readers to keep in mind that the present translation may require further revising and refining. Any input to improve the present translation is greatly welcomed.

Translator(s): Roy Forbes

6:4 What kind of Teaching do you think this path that I am attempting to establish is? This path is the true path that will attain a peaceful condition and settle the minds of people in the world.

*Note: “settle” (osameru) refers to the replacement of the mind, that is, the process of steadying people’s minds through spiritual cultivation.

『おふでさき註釈』、p. 86


註 をさめるとは、心の入れ替え砂割精神的教化によって、人々の心を安定せしめる意。 

Yoshitaro Ueda (2009)

From Michi no dai: Foundation of the Path 35:64

The verse asks what we think this path is, the phrase “this path” referring to this faith or this path of single-hearted salvation. The verse tells us that it is a path that “will settle this world.” The verb “settle” means to restore something to the way it should be. The verse is saying that this path is the true path that will restore this world to the way it should be. This verse concludes chapter 10 of The Doctrine of Tenrikyo. That is to say, The Doctrine of Tenrikyo ends with this verse.

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