Ofudesaki 05:037

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Author: Miki Nakayama
Date Published: 1998
Pages: 486 (English ed.)

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Part 10
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Part 16
Part 17
unnumbered set

Ofudesaki 05:037 is a verse from the Ofudesaki. The English translation below is the sixth edition translation.


In the past, such magical rites have been taught to the branches, kore made wa edasaki ni te wa hō nazo to これまでハ ゑださきにてわ ほふなぞと
but watch the future. oshiete are do saki o mite iyo をしへてあれど さきをみていよ

Alternate English translations

Third Edition

Hitherto I have taught such rites at the twig part of the world. But look at things which shall appear in the future!


Hitherto, laws and such have been taught in the outlying areas. Behold their future!


Ofudesaki chushaku

This section contains translated material that has not yet been subjected to peer-review to check for accuracy and clarity. While the translator(s) have given their best effort to render Japanese text into English, we would like readers to keep in mind that the present translation may require further revising and refining. Any input to improve the present translation is greatly welcomed.

Translator(s): Roy Forbes

5:37 Until now I have taught these magical rites and forms of sorcery to the branches, but from now on it will do to look to the future to see how much power they actually have.

*Note: “Branches” (edasaki) refer to the places where Oyagami’s true teachings will be introduced to from now on.

『おふでさき註釈』、p. 78


註 ゑださきは、今後親神の真実の教の行きわたる所を言う。

Commentary by Yoshitaro Ueda (2009)

From Michi no dai: Foundation of the Path 35:53

The word “branches” provides a contrast with the “origin” or the “root,” which will be mentioned later. At the level of the “branches,” things such as what are called magical rites and arts have been taught. However, the verse says, “[W]atch the future,” implying that they will become obsolete as time goes by.

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