Ofudesaki 05:023

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Author: Miki Nakayama
Date Published: 1998
Pages: 486 (English ed.)

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Part 16
Part 17
unnumbered set

Ofudesaki 05:023 is a verse from the Ofudesaki. The English translation below is the sixth edition translation.


Think of you humans admonishing your children. ningen no waga ko no iken omote miyo にんけんの ハがこのをけん をもてみよ
The anger, too, comes from love. hara no tatsu no mo kawai yue kara はらのたつのも かハいゆへから

Alternate English translations

Third Edition

Think of a man admonishing his own children! The anger comes from his parental love.


Note that as you humans admonish your own children, your anger stems from your love for them.


Ofudesaki chushaku

This section contains translated material that has not yet been subjected to peer-review to check for accuracy and clarity. While the translator(s) have given their best effort to render Japanese text into English, we would like readers to keep in mind that the present translation may require further revising and refining. Any input to improve the present translation is greatly welcomed.

Translator(s): Roy Forbes

5:23 It is like how you human beings admonish your children. You become angry out of your love for them and because you are concerned for their future. Never think that anything I do is done out of spite.

『おふでさき註釈』、p. 75–6


Commentary by Yoshitaro Ueda (2009)

From Michi no dai: Foundation of the Path 35:50

Drawing the analogy of human parental emotions, the verse tells people to think about why they admonish or reprimand their children. Any anger parents might feel, says the verse, is most likely to come from parental love.

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