Book list

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This page presents a list of English books published by Tenrikyo. This list is for informational purposes only. That a book is on this list does not guarantee its quality. For an ongoing list of all literature in English about Tenrikyo, see the Bibliography.

Note: This page contains links to the Doyusha Web Store site. Please note that Doyusha presently does not ship outside Japan.

Tenrikyo Church Headquarters publications

This is a list of publications directly published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters. It includes translations of the Scriptures (Genten) and supplemental texts to the Scriptures (jun-genten).

Title Japanese title Year of latest edition/translation Found on Doyusha Web Store site? Price (yen)
Ofudesaki おふでさき 1998 yes (includes version with Romanization and Japanese) 800 (English only) / 1000
Mikagura-uta, The Songs for the Service みかぐらうた 1972 yes 120
The Doctrine of Tenrikyo Tenrikyo kyoten 『天理教教典』 1993 yes 210
The Life of Oyasama, Foundress of Tenrikyo (Manuscript Edition) Kohon Tenrikyo Oyasama-den 『稿本天理教教祖伝』 1996 yes 520
Anecdotes of Oyasama Kohon Tenrikyo Oyasama-den itsuwa-hen 『稿本天理教教祖伝逸話篇』 1976 yes 500
Guideposts by Nakayama, Zenye Michi shirube 『道しるべ』 1979 yes 400 (softcover)

Overseas Department publications

The following is a list of books published by the Overseas (Mission) Department. While the majority includes English translations of Japanese works, there are a few books here that exist only in English.

Title Year published Japanese title Original author(s)/Editor(s) Publisher of Japanese original (year) Found on Doyusha Web Store site? Price (yen)
A Commentary on The Mikagura-uta, The Songs for the Tsutome 1978 Mikagura-uta kogi 『みかぐらうた講義 改訂新版』 Fukaya, Tadamasa Tenrikyo Doyusha (1956, revised 1980) yes 200
A Doctrinal Study: The Truth of Origin 1983 Kyori kenkyu: Moto no ri 『教理研究・元の理 改訂新版』 Fukaya, Tadamasa Tenrikyo Doyusha (1958, revised 1989) yes 200
A Glossary of Tenrikyo Terms 2010 Tenrikyo jiten (bassui) 『天理教辞典(抜粋)』) Oyasato Institute for the Study of Religion, ed. Tenrikyo Doyusha (1997) yes 500
An Anthology of Osashizu Translations 2007 Ki hon'yaku Osashizu shu 『既翻訳おさしづ集』 English Division, Translation Section, Overseas Department, ed. not applicable yes 800
An Anthology of Osashizu Translations Second Edition 2022 Ki hon'yaku Osashizu shu Dai Nihan 『既翻訳おさしづ集』第二版 English Division, Translation Section, Overseas Department, ed. not applicable no  ?
Reading the Kakisage 2007 Okakisage o yomu 『おかきさげを読む』 Nakayama, Yoshikazu / Shiba, Tahichi Tenrikyo Doyusha (1980) yes 400
Tenri Forum 2006: New Frontiers in the Mission (Compiled Speeches and Summaries) 2008 not applicable Tenrikyo Overseas Department, ed. not applicable no  ?
Tenrikyo: The Path to Joyousness 1998 Tenrikyo Yoki-zukume no michi 『天理教 陽気づくめの道』 Translation Section, Overseas Department, ed. not applicable yes 900 hardcover, softcover 700
Yoboku's Guide to Tenrikyo 2004 Yoboku handobukku 『ようぼくハンドブック』 Tenrikyo Doyusha, ed. Tenrikyo Doyusha (2002) yes 400
Words of the Path: A Guide to Tenrikyo Terms and Expressions 2009 Omichi no kotoba 『お道のことば』 Fukaya, Yoshikazu Tenrikyo Doyusha (1977) yes 450
A Historical Sketch of Tenrikyo 1990 Oyasama no nensai to tomo ni 『教祖の年祭とともに』 Tenrikyo Doyusha, ed. Tenrikyo Doyusha (1985) yes 500
A Study of Social Welfare in Tenrikyo 1985 Tenrikyo no shakai fukushi jigyo 『天理教の社会福祉事業』 Okubo, Akinori Oyasato Institute for the Study of Religion? no  ?
Catechism of Tenrikyo  ? Shinko mondo 『信仰問答』 Oyasato Institute for the Study of Religion, ed.  ? yes 50
Commentary on Instruction Three 1981 Yutatsu no kowa 『諭達講話』 Ueda, Yoshinaru Tenrikyo Doyusha? (1981) yes 40
Disciples of Oyasama, Foundress of Tenrikyo 1985 Senjin sobyo 『先人素描』 Takano, Tomoji Tenrikyo Doyusha (1979) yes 200
Divine Model Seasonable Time 1981 Tokishun to Oyasama hinagata 『時旬と教祖ひながた』 Nakayama, Yoshikazu Tenrikyo Doyusha? (1981) yes 60
Dust and Innen 1982 Hokori to innen 『ほこりといんねん』 Tanaka, Kikuo Tenrikyo Doyusha (1976) yes 50
Faith In Oyasama 1980 Oyasama o motomete 『教祖を求めて』 Matsumoto, Shigeru  ? yes 50
Faith Sincerity Joy 1981 Shinnen shinjitsu yorokobi 『信念・真実・喜び』 Yamamoto, Takeo  ? yes 50
Great and Gentle Mother: Yoshi Nakagawa 1986 Oi naru haha 『大いなる慈母』 Takahashi Sadatsugu Tenrikyo Doyusha (1979) yes 450
Growing Spiritually Day by Day 1996 Seijin e no hibi 『成人への日日』 Nakayama, Zenye Tenrikyo Doyusha (1993) yes 600
Guide to Composing Prayers 1992 Saibun sakusei no tebiki 『祭文作成の手引き』 Tagawa, Torao Tagawa, Torao (1979) yes 250
Historical Sketch of the Life of Oyasama 1988 Oyasama-den shoshi 『教祖伝小史』 Ota, Isao  ? yes 50
In Quest of the Fundamental revised, 1982 Kongen teki naru mono o motomete 『根源的なるものを求めて』 Matsumoto, Shigeru  ? yes 50
Insights into the Story of Creation 1984 Moto hajimari no hanashi 『元初まりの話』 Ueda, Yoshinaru Tenrikyo Doyusha (1974) yes 50
Introduction to the Teachings of Tenrikyo 1981 Tenrikyo nyumon 『天理教入門』 Nishiyama, Teruo Tenrikyo Doyusha? (1973) yes 700
Joyousness Day after Day 1992 Yorokobi no hibi 『喜びの日日』 Nakayama, Zenye Tenrikyo Doyusha (1992) yes 700
Lectures on The Doctrine of Tenrikyo 1994 Tenrikyo kyoten kowa 『天理教教典講話』 Nakayama, Shozen Tenrikyo Doyusha? (?) yes 300
Mind and Body 1979 Kashimono Karimono 『かしもの・かりもの』 Nakayama, Yoshikazu Tenrikyo Doyusha (1975) yes 50
Modern Society and Spiritual Maturity 1981 Gendai shakai to ningen no seijin 『現代社会と人間の成人』 Matsumoto, Shigeru  ? yes 50
My Hopes for the Young 2002 Seinen ni nozomu 『青年に望む』 Tenrikyo Young Men’s Association Headquarters, ed. Tenrikyo Seinenkai Honbu (1998) no  ?
My Oyasama (parts one and two) 1984 / 1986 Watashi no Oyasama 『私の教祖』 Nakayama, Yoshikazu Tenrikyo Doyusha (1981) yes 600
Oyasama’s Model Path for One and All 2011 Bannin no Hinagata 『万人のひながた』 Nakayama, Zenye Tenrikyo Doyusha (1997) yes 400
Questions and Answers about Tenrikyo 2006 Shinko mondo shu 『信仰問答集』 Tenrikyo Young Men’s Association Headquarters, ed. Tenrikyo Seinenkai Honbu (1990) yes 400
Reference Materials for The Life of Oyasama 2000 Oyasama-den yogo shashin shu 『教祖伝用語・写真集』 Translation Section, Overseas Department, ed. not applicable yes 500
Selections from the Osashizu revised, 1990 Osashizu sho 『おさしづ抄』 Translation Section, Overseas Department, ed. not applicable yes 300
Sermons and Addresses by the Shinbashira 1986–1995 1996 Shinbashira okotoba shu 1 『真柱お言葉集 1』 Translation Section, Overseas Department not applicable yes 400
Sermons and Addresses by the Shinbashira 1996–2005 2006 Shinbashira okotoba shu 2 『真柱お言葉集 2』 Translation Section, Overseas Department not applicable yes 400
Services and Ritual Procedures 2004 Otsutome oyobi saigishiki 『おつとめ及び祭儀式』 Committee on Rituals, Tenrikyo Church Headquarters Tenrikyo Kyokai Honbu Saigi Iinkai (revised 1988) yes 150
Tenrikyo: Its History and Teachings 1966 Tenrikyo: Sono rekishi to kyogi 『天理教:その歴史と教義』 Tenrikyo Overseas Mission Department, ed. not applicable yes 350
Tenri-O-no-Mikoto: What Is the Character of God? 1976 Tenri-O-no-Mikoto to wa ikanaru Kami ka 『天理王命とはいかなる神か』 Ueda, Yoshinaru Tenrikyo Doyusha (1973) yes 50
The Besseki Lectures: Toward Spiritual Rebirth 1997 Besseki o hakobu hito no tame ni 『別席を運ぶ人のために』 Tenrikyo Doyusha, ed. Tenrikyo Doyusha (1994) yes 100
The Fascination of Oyasato 1987 Oyasato no miryoku 『おやさとの魅力』 Hamada, Taizo  ? yes 50
The Fundamental Doctrines of Tenrikyo  ? Tenrikyo no konpon kyogi 『天理教の根本教義』 Fukaya, Tadamasa  ? yes 30
The Measure of Heaven: The Life of Izo Iburi, the Honseki 2012 Ten no jogi 『天の定規』 Tenrikyo Doyusha, ed. Tenrikyo Doyusha (1997) no  ?
The Missionary (Biography of Yoshizo Katayama of Honjima) 1981 Dendosha 「伝道者」 (included in 『大きな旗じるし』 Takano, Tomoji Tenrikyo Doyusha (1979) yes 200
The Otefuri Guide  ? not applicable Overseas Department, ed. not applicable no  ?
The Path to the Joyous Life  ? Tenrikyo Yokigurashi e no michi 『天理教 陽気ぐらしへの道』 Overseas Department, ed. not applicable yes 270
The Teachings and History of Tenrikyo 1986 Tenrikyo yoran 『天理教要覧』 Translation Section, Overseas Department, ed. not applicable yes 600
The Way to Understand Illness: Cutting Off the Root of Illness 1989 Mijo satoshi: Yamai no ne o kiru 『身上さとし・病の根を切る』 Fukaya, Tadamasa Yotokusha (1995) yes 300
Thoughts on a Thematic Outline of the Ofudesaki  ? Ofudesaki haidoku no tebiki 『おふでさき拝読の手引き』 Nakayama, Shozen  ? yes 50
To All Our Ailing Friends  ? Byosho no tomo e 『病床の友へ』  ?  ? yes 40
Translation Handbook 1997 Hon'yaku no tebiki 『翻訳の手引き』 English Division, Translation Section, Overseas Mission Department not applicable yes 200

Other publications

Title Original author(s)/Editor(s) Publisher (year) Japanese title Publisher of Japanese original (year) Price (yen)
A Study on God, Tsuki-Hi, and Parent Shozen, Nakayama Yamato Culture Congress (1997) Kami Tsuki-Hi oyobi Oya ni tsuite 『「神」「月日」及び「をや」について』 Yotokusha (1935)
A Study of the Ofudesaki Inoue, Akio / Eynon, Matthew, eds. Tenrikyo Doyusha (1987) Ofudesaki eiyaku kenkyu 『おふでさき英訳研究』 not applicable 1835
God the Parent’s Blessings Nakayama, Moto Tenri Cultural Institute of New York (2005) Oyagami-sama no o-megumi 『おやがみさまのおめぐみ』 Tenrikyo Women’s Association (1986)  ?
Tenrikyo-Christian Dialogue The Organizing Committee of Tenrikyo-Christian Dialogue Tenri University Press (1999) not applicable not applicable 1500
Tenrikyo-Christian Dialogue II The Organizing Committee of Tenrikyo-Christian Dialogue II Tenri University Press (2005) not applicable not applicable 1500
Husband and Wife and Health Kontani, Hisanori self-published? unknown self-published?  ?
My Lecture on The Doctrine of Tenrikyo Kontani, Hisanori self-published? Watashi no Kyoten kogi 『私の教典講義』 self-published?  ?
My Lecture on the Koki, the Divine Record Kontani, Hisanori self-published? Watashi no Koki no toritsugi 『私のこふきの取次ぎ』 self-published?  ?
The Lecture for the Sazuke Kontani, Hisanori self-published? Sazuke ni tsuite 『さづけについて』 unknown  ?
The Parental Heart Kontani, Hisanori self-published? Oya-gokoro 『親心』 self-published?  ?
What Is The Best Way To Avoid Divorce? Kontani, Hisanori Vintage Press (1992) unknown unknown  ?
Yoshi of Salvation (comic) Hakusho, Minoru Tenrikyo Tohon Grand Church (2006) Tasuke no O-Yoshi-san Tenrikyo Boys and Girls Association HQ/ Tenrikyo Tohon Grand Church (1992, revised 2002)  ?

Out of print publications

This is a list of publications that have gone out of print.

Title Original author(s)/Editor(s) Publisher (year) Japanese title Publisher of Japanese original (year) price (yen)
Hitokotohanashi Nakayama, Shozen The Headquarters of Tenrikyo Church (1964) Hitokoto hanashi sono ichi 『ひとことはなし その一』 Tenri-jihosha (?)
Faith–Based Management Komai, Shigeharu Tenrikyo Overseas Department (2003) Toku o tsumu keiei 『徳を積む経営』 Tenrikyo Doyusha (1988)
A Short History of Tenrikyo Tenrikyo Kyokai Honbu, ed. Tenrikyo Kyokai Honbu (1956) not applicable? not applicable?
The Theological Perspectives of Tenrikyo Oyasato Research Institute, Tenri University, ed. Tenri University Press (1986) unknown not applicable
Oyasama, the Foundress of Tenrikyo and Her Disciples Tenrikyo Doyusha with Shufunotomo/Photographs by Takeshi Nishikawa Tenrikyo Doyusha with Shufunotomo (1985) Oyasama Tenrikyo kyoso to shodai shinkosha tachi 『おやさま—天理教教祖と初代信仰者たち』 *Japanese book includes booklet in English 4800
Sermons and Addresses by the Shinbashira Translation Section, Overseas Mission Department, ed. Tenrikyo Overseas Mission Department (1989) Shinbashira okotoba shu 『真柱お言葉集』 not applicable
Yoboku Handbook Tenrikyo Missionaries Association/Tenrikyo Yoboku Association Tenrikyo Missionaries Association (1976)/Tenrikyo Yoboku Association (1993) Yoboku techo 『よふぼく手帳』 Tenrikyo Yonomotokai (1967, revised 1992) not for sale

External links