Anecdotes of Oyasama 71
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 71 presents the contents of "In Such a Heavy Rain," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears between page 61 and 62 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
71. In Such a Heavy Rain On April 14, 1880, Umejiro Izutsu and his wife, accompanied by their daughter Tane, returned to Jiba for the first time. It had been raining hard when they left Osaka the previous morning but the weather cleared up toward noon. They stayed overnight on the way and arrived at the Residence around four o'clock in the afternoon on the following day. They were granted an audience at once by Oyasama, who patted Tane on the head, saying:
Oyasama added:
Afterward She placed a sheet of sacred paper on the affected area of Tane's body which had not yet been completely cured. Needless to say, she was very soon completely cured. The deep emotion which Umejiro felt when he met Oyasama and the marvelous cure kindled in him a passion for the faith and inspired him to spread the teachings and save others with single-hearted devotion.
七一 あの雨の中を 明治十三年四月十四日(陰暦三月五日)、井筒梅治郎夫婦は娘のたねを伴って、初めておぢばへ帰らせて頂いた。大阪を出発したのは、その前日の朝で、豪雨の中を出発したが、おひる頃カラリと晴れ、途中一泊して、到着したのは、その日の午後四時頃であった。早速、教祖にお目通りさせて頂くと、教祖は、
と、仰せになって、たねの身体の少し癒え残っていたところに、お紙を貼って下さった。たねが、間もなく全快の御守護を頂いたのは、言うまでもない。 梅治郎の信仰は、この、教祖にお目にかかった感激とふしぎなたすけから、激しく燃え上がり、ただ一条に、にをいがけ・おたすけへと進んで行った。 |