Anecdotes of Oyasama 91
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 91 presents the contents of "Dance All The Way Home," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears between page 76 and 77 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
91. Dance All The Way Home In 1881, when Shina Okamoto was staying at the Residence, Oyasama said to her:
They took a bath together and Shina felt very honored and almost unworthy of it. It was, for her, an unforgettable and moving experience. Several days later, Shina returned to the Residence. Oyasama said to her:
Wondering what would happen, Shina, timid with respect, took the kimono off. Oyasama also disrobed Herself. Oyasama clothed her from behind with the red garment still warm from Her own body. Shina felt extreme honor and delight which was absolutely inexpressible. When Shina took the kimono-undergarment off, folded it nicely, and put it before Oyasama, Oyasama said:
Shina was surprised by Her words. Her delight faded away, taken over by anxiety. She thought that by doing so she would only make a laughing stock of herself among the people in the town. She also feared that she would not be able to get home on that day because in those days worshipers at the Jiba were often taken to the police. However, she soon made up her mind and said to herself that she would not care whatever happened nor would she mind it even if she were not able to get home that day. She put on the red kimono-undergarment over her kimono and set out. On her way home through Tanbaichi she danced the Teodori with all her heart and soul. Before she was aware of it, she was at the edge of town. At that time she realized that nothing bad had happened, thanks to divine protection. She felt relieved and her joy was doubled by the fact that she had been given the red garment by Oyasama and she had fulfilled her given mission. Deeply moved, Shina thanked Oyasama from the bottom of her heart and hugged the red garment tightly against her bosom. |
九一 踊って去ぬのやで 明治十四年頃、岡本シナが、お屋敷へ帰らせて頂いていると、教祖が、
と、仰せられて、一しょにお風呂へ入れて頂いた。勿体ないやら、有難いやら、それは、忘れられない感激であった。 その後、幾日か経って、お屋敷へ帰らせて頂くと、教祖が、
と、仰せになるので、何事かと心配しながら、恐る恐る着物を脱ぐと、教祖も同じようにお召物を脱がれ、一番下に召しておられた赤衣のお襦袢を、教祖の温みそのまま、背後からサッと着せて下された。 その時の勿体なさ、嬉しさ、有難さ、それは、口や筆であらわす事の出来ない感激であった。シナが、そのお襦袢を脱いで、丁寧にたたみ、教祖の御前に置くと、教祖は、
と、仰せられた。 シナは、一瞬、驚いた。そして、嬉しさは遠のいて心配が先に立った。 「そんなことをすれば、町の人のよい笑いものになる。」 また、おぢばに参拝したと言うては警察へ引っ張られた当時の事とて、「今日は、家へは去ぬことが出来ぬかも知れん。」と、思った。ようやく、覚悟を決めて、「先はどうなってもよし。今日は、たとい家へ去ぬことが出来なくてもよい。」と、教祖から頂いた赤衣の襦袢を着物の上から羽織って、夢中で丹波市の町中をてをどりをしながらかえった。 気がついてみると、町外れへ出ていたが、思いの外、何事も起こらなかった。シナはホッと安心した。そして、赤衣を頂戴した嬉しさと、御命を果たした喜びが一つとなって、二重の強い感激に打たれ、シナは心から御礼申し上げながら、赤衣を押し頂いたのであった。 |