Anecdotes of Oyasama 184
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 184 presents the contents of "A Way of Perceiving," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears on page 145 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
184. A Way of Perceiving On February 6, 1886, Shirobei Umetani, while at the Residence, received a message from home that his second daughter Michie, who had been sick for some time, had died. When he was granted an audience with Oyasama, in the course of the conversation he mentioned this. Oyasama responded:
Umetani, thinking Oyasama had misunderstood, repeated once more, "My child is dead." Oyasama only said:
一八四 悟り方 明治十九年二月六日(陰暦正月三日)、お屋敷へ帰らせて頂いていた梅谷四郎兵衞のもとへ、家から、かねて身上中の二女みちゑがなくなったという報せが届いた。教祖にお目通りした時、話のついでに、その事を申し上げると、教祖は、 「それは結構やなあ。」 と、仰せられた。 梅谷は、教祖が、何かお聞き違いなされたのだろうと思ったので、更に、もう一度、「子供をなくしましたので。」と、申し上げると、 教祖は、ただ一言、
と、仰せられた。 |
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