Anecdotes of Oyasama 80
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 80 presents the contents of "The Two of You Together," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears between page 67 and 68 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
80. The Two of You Together In 1880 or 1881, Tamezo Yamazawa, then twenty-four or twenty-five years old, returned to the Residence with his brother, Ryozo. Oyasama, who sat in the raised room in those days in the building called Place for the Service, said to them:
and She stretched out Her hands. They hesitantly held Her hands, one of them Her right hand and the other Her left one. They pulled Her hands as they were told, but Oyasama remained sitting straight not even slightly disturbed. Instead, the harder they pulled, the closer they were drawn to Her. They were astonished and realized that She was really more than human and indeed the Shrine of God the Parent. |
八〇 あんた方二人で 明治十三、四年、山沢為造が二十四、五才の頃。兄の良蔵と二人で、お屋敷へ帰って来ると、当時、つとめ場所の上段の間にお坐りになっていた教祖は、
と、仰せになって、両手を差し出された。 そこで、二人は、畏れ多く思いながらも、仰せのまにまに、右と左から片方ずつ教祖のお手を引っ張った。しかし、教祖は、キチンとお坐りになったまま、ビクともなさらない。 それどころか、強く引っ張れば引っ張る程、二人の手が、教祖の方へ引き寄せられた。二人は、今更のように、「人間業ではないなあ。成る程、教祖は神のやしろに坐します。」と、心に深く感銘した。 |