Anecdotes of Oyasama 62

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Anecdotes of Oyasama
Anecdotes of Oyasama.jpg
Author: Various authors
Date Published: 1976
Pages: 159 (English ed.)

Anecdotes Index

Anecdotes of Oyasama 62 presents the contents of "East from Here," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears between page 54 and 55 of the print edition.

Text: English translation and original Japanese

62. East from Here

In December 1878, Togoro, father of Toshiro Yamamoto of Kasa Village in Yamato, came down with a serious eye disease. The father's condition gradually grew more serious and became beyond the doctor's help. Even incantations proved to be ineffective. Toshiro, having no other course opened to him, was in a state of deep despair when he heard from his friend, "In Shoyashiki there is a god who saves man from illness." Toshiro's only thought was to have his father get well at any cost. Because of weakness from the long illness and the eye disease, it was difficult for his father to walk. Therefore, Toshiro carried him on his back and walked about twelve kilometers of mountainous road. Thus he returned to Jiba for the first time.

They were received by Oyasama, who spoke these words:

"Welcome home! Soon he will be saved. Out of respect for your devotion to your father, he will be saved."

They lodged at the house called Inada in Shoyashiki Village and stayed at Jiba for a little over a month. During that time they worshiped day and night and listened to the teachings taught by the intermediaries. The father, even with such a serious illness, received the divine providence and began to recover slowly but steadily each day, and finally recovered completely.

In the summer of 1880, Toshiro's wife, Shyu, was cured of a stomach ailment and then Kozaburo, his second son, from convulsions; Toshiro continued to follow the faith more fervently.

Also, one autumn when he returned to pray for the salvation of a sick person to whom he had taught the teachings for the first time, Oyasama said:

"Yamamoto from Kasa, how faithfully you always come to worship! About the illness there is no need to worry."

Upon receiving these words of Oyasama he returned home and found that the sick person already had been cured.

As he continued his devotion in this way, he came to know Chuzaburo Koda quite well. Koda, who admired Yamamoto's steadfast faith, spoke about it to Oyasama. The words of Oyasama were:

"East from here, at the remote village of Kasa, there shall be worshipers from all directions. Go at once."

Thereupon Koda went to Kasa Village with Chusaku Tsuji and conveyed these words of Oyasama to Yamamoto. Thus Yamamoto became all the more ardent in spreading the fragrance of the word of God and saving others.

六二 これより東  

明治十一年十二月、大和国笠村の山本藤四郎は、父藤五郎が重い眼病にかかり、容態次第に悪化し、医者の手余りとなり、加持祈祷もその効なく、万策尽きて、絶望の淵に沈んでいたところ、知人から「庄屋敷には、病たすけの神様がござる。」 と聞き、どうでも父の病を救けて頂きたいとの一心から、長患いで衰弱し、且つ、眼病で足許の定まらぬ父を背負い、三里の山坂を歩いて、初めておぢばへ帰って来た。教祖にお目にかかったところ、  











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