Anecdotes of Oyasama 59
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 59 presents the contents of "Festival," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears between page 51 and 52 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
59. Festival In January 1878, when she was twenty-eight, Koiso Yamanaka (later Ie Yamada) was drawn to the Residence to serve Oyasama. Oyasama told her about the significance of the twenty-sixth day of the month: "Festival (Matsuri) has the meaning 'to wait.' (matsu: wait, ri: principle). Do not do anything else the whole day of the twenty-sixth. The only thing you must do on that day is to give thanks for the marvelous protection of God the Parent." Koiso sewed the red garments and combed Oyasama's hair as part of her daily routine. Usually, Oyasama prepared the red cloth Herself and handed it to Koiso. Not long after Koiso started to serve Oyasama in the Residence, on April 28, 1878 (March 26th, lunar calendar), there was still time left after sweeping and cleaning. So she said, "Oyasama, it seems wasteful to be doing nothing from early morning. I wish you would give me some red cloth to sew." After thinking for a while, Oyasama said:
Then, She cut the red cloth quickly and smoothly, and gave it to Koiso. Koiso was happy to have something to do, and began sewing at once. No sooner had she put a few stitches into the cloth than she was in pitch darkness even though it was daytime. In complete amazement, Koiso cried out, "Oyasama," and said to herself, "Now, I understand. It was against the divine will to think it was wasting time. I will sew the red garment tomorrow." The moment she made up her mind, it became daylight again, and everything was all right with her. Later, when she told Oyasama what had happened, Oyasama instructed:
五九 まつり 明治十一年正月、山中こいそ(註、後の山田いゑ)は、二十八才で教祖の御許にお引き寄せ頂き、お側にお仕えすることになったが、教祖は二十六日の理について、
と、お聞かせ下されていた。 こいそは、赤衣を縫う事と、教祖のお髪を上げる事とを、日課としていたが、赤衣は、教祖が、必ずみずからお裁ちになり、それをこいそにお渡し下さる事になっていた。 教祖の御許にお仕えして間もない明治十一年四月二十八日、陰暦三月二十六日の朝、お掃除もすませ、まだ時間も早かったので、こいそは、教祖に向かって、「教祖、朝早くから何もせずにいるのは余り勿体のう存じますから、赤衣を縫わして頂きとうございます。」 とお願いした。すると教祖は、しばらくお考えなされてから、
と、仰せられ、すうすうと赤衣をお裁ちになって、こいそにお渡し下された。 こいそは、御用が出来たので、喜んで、早速縫いにかかったが、一針二針縫うたかと思うと、俄かにあたりが真暗になって、白昼の事であるのに、黒白も分からぬ真の闇になってしまった。愕然としてこいそは、「教祖」と叫びながら、「勿体ないと思うたのは、かえって理に添わなかったのです。赤衣を縫わして頂くのは、明日の事にさして頂きます。」と、心に定めると、忽ち元の白昼に還って、何の異状もなくなった。 後で、この旨を教祖に申し上げると、教祖は、
と、仰せ下さった。 |