Anecdotes of Oyasama 56

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Anecdotes of Oyasama
Anecdotes of Oyasama.jpg
Author: Various authors
Date Published: 1976
Pages: 159 (English ed.)

Anecdotes Index

Anecdotes of Oyasama 56 presents the contents of "Thank You for Your Trouble Last Night," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears on page 48 of the print edition.

Text: English translation and original Japanese

56. Thank You for Your Trouble Last Night

One time, while Sadahiko Izutsu was on duty at the Main Sanctuary, he said to Tsuchisaburo Itakura, "You have undergone hardships many times in police stations and jails. It's a wonder that you were able to continue in your faith under such circumstances." Tsuchisaburo Itakura replied, "During my third visit to the Residence three police officers came and threw us into the Tanbaichi Branch Jail. That whole night we discussed the idea of quitting the faith. However, I thought I would wait until I could see Oyasama one more time. So I returned to the Residence. When Oyasama saw me, She smiled and said compassionately:

'Thank you for your trouble last night.'

Just these few words of Oyasama made me resolve to undergo any hardship any number of times."

This is the story Izutsu heard from Tsuchisaburo Itakura in 1931 or 1932, when the Main Sanctuary consisted only of the North Worship Hall.

Note: As Tsuchisaburo Itakura began to have faith in 1876, it is assumed that he received Oyasama's words in 1876 or 1877.

五六 ゆうべは御苦労やった

本部神殿で、当番を勤めながら井筒貞彦が、板倉槌三郎に尋ねた。「先生は、何遍も警察などに御苦労なされて、その中、ようまあ、信仰をお続けになりましたね。」 と、言うと、板倉槌三郎は、「わしは、お屋敷へ三遍目に帰って来た時、三人の巡査が来よって、丹波市分署の豚箱へ入れられた。あの時、他の人と一晩中、お道を離れようか、と相談したが、しかし、もう一回教祖にお会いしてからにしようと思って、お屋敷へもどって来た。すると、教祖が、  




註 板倉槌三郎は、明治九年に信仰始。よって、教祖のお言葉をお聞かせ頂いたのは、明治九年、又は十年頃と推定される。

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