Anecdotes of Oyasama 48

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Anecdotes of Oyasama
Anecdotes of Oyasama.jpg
Author: Various authors
Date Published: 1976
Pages: 159 (English ed.)

Anecdotes Index

Anecdotes of Oyasama 48 presents the contents of "Waiting, Waiting," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears on page 42 of the print edition.

Text: English translation and original Japanese

48. Waiting, Waiting

Around two o'clock in the afternoon of November 9, 1876, Kajiro Ueda was leaving for the Tenjin Festival at Kayo. Suddenly his daughter Naraito, who was weaving, began to cry, "Iwagami-san of Furu with his great mass of hair is descending on me. I'm frightened." Later, she was administered all possible medical treatment without success. Through the devoted efforts of Yahei Nishiura, a neighbor, the Ueda family entered the faith and Naraito gradually recovered. She returned to Jiba the following month and was received by Oyasama who graciously said to her:

"I have been waiting, waiting. You were My aunt who saved Me five generations ago."

She was completely cured in three days. Naraito was then fourteen years old.

四八 待ってた、待ってた

明治九年十一月九日(陰暦九月二十四日)午後二時頃、上田嘉治郎が、萱生の天神祭に出かけようとした時、機を織っていた娘のナライトが、突然、「布留の石上さんが、総髪のような髪をして、降りて来はる。怖い。」と言うて泣き出した。いろいろと手当てを尽したが、何んの効能もなかったので、隣りの西浦弥平のにをいがけで信心するうち、次 第によくなり、翌月、おぢばへ帰って、教祖にお目にかからせて頂いたところ、  



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