Anecdotes of Oyasama 40
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 40 presents the contents of "Stay Here," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears between page 34 and 35 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
40. Stay Here
The year was 1874. Yonosuke Okada (later known as Yosaburo Miyamori), at the age of eighteen, had a severe pain in his arm. He visited this and that doctor but the pain did not ease at all. He leaned against the bedding and suffered day and night. Looking at his suffering, Wasa, his married sister from Miwa, conveyed the teachings to him, suggesting, "Why don't you try to go to Shoyashiki?" Yonosuke had heard about the living god of Shoyashiki before, but at this time he decided to return to the Residence. When he had an audience with Oyasama, She said to him:
Upon receiving these words, the pain in his arm instantly stopped. He spent all that day at the Residence and went back to Higai Village that night. However, when he returned home, he began to feel pain in his arm again. He waited impatiently for daybreak and returned to the Residence. Then, incredibly, the pain in his arm stopped. These same events occurred repeatedly and during three years he returned to the Residence almost every day. Toward the end of this period, Oyasama said gently:
And so, in accord with Her words, he stayed at the Residence and helped with the work there. He remained there because unless he did so, the pain in his arm would return. It was in this way that Yonosuke began to work at the Residence.
四〇 ここに居いや 明治七年、岡田与之助(註、後の宮森与三郎)十八才の時、腕の疼きが激しく、あちこちと医者を替えたが、一向に快方へ向かわず、昼も夜も夜具にもたれて苦しんでいた。それを見て、三輪へ嫁いでいた姉のワサが、「一遍、庄屋敷へやらしてもろうたら、どうや。」と、にをいをかけてくれた。 当人も、かねてから、庄屋敷の生神様のことは聞いていたが、この時初めて、お屋敷へ帰らせて頂いた。そして、教祖にお目通りすると、
と、お言葉を下された。そのお言葉を頂くと共に、腕の疼きは、ピタッと治まった。その日一日はお屋敷で過ごし、夜になって桧垣村へもどった。 ところが、家へもどると、又、腕が疼き出したので、夜の明けるのを待ちかねて、お屋敷へ帰らせて頂いた。すると、不思議にも、腕の疼きは治まった。 こんな事が繰り返されて、三年間というものは、ほとんど毎日のようにお屋敷へ通った。そのうち、教祖が、
と、仰せ下されたので、仰せ通り、お屋敷に寝泊まりさせて頂いて、用事を手伝わせてもらった。そうしないと、腕の疼きが止まらなかったからである。 こうして、与之助は、お屋敷の御用を勤めさせて頂くようになった。 |