Anecdotes of Oyasama 191
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 191 presents the contents of "Welcome Home," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears between page 150 and 151 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
191. Welcome Home On May 5, 1886, Torakichi Tagawa and people of twenty-six families of Tanokuchi Village in Tajima Province, formed a confraternity. He was selected as its head. At that time, he was seventeen years old. This was the start of the Tenchi-gumi Seventh Confraternity (later renamed the Ninth). On August 29th of the same year, Tagawa and eight others set out from the village for Jiba. They arrived in Osaka on September 1st. That evening, while staying at an inn, Tagawa suffered acute stomach pains. He had a continuous attack of vomiting and diarrhea throughout the night. At that time cholera was prevalent in Osaka. The party members were shocked and extremely apprehensive. They performed the prayer service, and prayed all night for his complete recovery. At last his condition began to improve as dawn drew near. They set out that morning before daybreak. With Torakichi still in bad condition, the group went through the Jusan Pass and through Tatsuta to Shoyashiki Village and stayed at Jukichi Nakayama's house. That night, Chusaku Tsuji and Risaburo Yamamoto came from the Residence to give a talk. Chusaku Tsuji administered the Sazuke to Tagawa. After that Tagawa did not suffer from any pain. The next day, the party visited the Jiba of Origin and worshiped at the Place for the Service. They were led to the Resting House and were granted an audience with Oyasama. When they met Her, She was wearing Her red garments and sitting very erect. She said:
Oyasama's gracious words moved Tagawa to tears. Never forgetting this feeling for the rest of his life, he actively pursued missionary work with all his heart and soul. |
一九一 よう、はるばる 但馬国田ノ口村の田川寅吉は、明治十九年五月五日、村内二十六戸の人々と共に講を結び、推されてその講元となった。時に十七才であった。これが、天地組七番(註、後に九番と改む)の初まりである。 明治十九年八月二十九日、田川講元外八名は、おぢば帰りのため村を出発、九月一日大阪に着いた。が、その夜、田川は宿舎で、激しい腹痛におそわれ、上げ下だし甚だしく、夜通し苦しんだ。時あたかも、大阪ではコレラ流行の最中である。一同の驚きと心配は一通りではなく、お願い勤めをし、夜を徹して全快を祈った。かくて、夜明け近くなって、ようやく回復に向かった。そこで、二日未明出発。病躯を押して一行と共に、十三峠を越え竜田へ出て、庄屋敷村に到着。中山重吉宅に宿泊した。その夜、お屋敷から来た辻忠作、山本利三郎の両名からお話を聞かせてもらい、田川は、辻忠作からおさづけを取次いでもらうと、その夜から、身上の悩みはすっきり御守護頂いた。 翌三日、一行は、元なるぢばに詣り、次いで、つとめ場所に上がって礼拝し、案内されるままに、御休息所に到り、教祖にお目通りさせて頂いた。教祖は、赤衣を召して端座して居られた。一同に対し、
と、勿体ないお言葉を下された。感涙にむせんだ田川は、その感激を生涯忘れず、一生懸命たすけ一条の道に努め励んだのである。 |
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