Anecdotes of Oyasama 163 presents the contents of "Brothers Among Brothers," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears on page 131 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
163. Brothers Among Brothers
Oyasama once instructed:
- "All of you who are living in this Residence are brothers among brothers. When one of you goes out somewhere, the rest of you should choose the best clothing from among your own, and have the person go out wearing it. Furthermore, those who happen to have money should put it together, even if it is only one or two sen from each, and give it as pocket money. And you should see him or her off in high spirits. This is what brothers and sisters should do."
一六三 兄弟の中の兄弟
- 「この屋敷に住まっている者は、兄弟の中の兄弟やで。兄弟ならば、誰かが今日どこそこへ行く。そこに居合わせた者、互いに見合わせて、着ている着物、誰のが一番によい。一番によいならば、さあ、これを着ておいでや。又、たとい一銭二銭でも、持ち合わせている者が、互いに出し合って、これを小遣いに持って、さあ行っておいでや。と言うて、出してやってこそ、兄弟やで。」
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