Anecdotes of Oyasama 155
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 155 presents the contents of "If You Are Saved," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears on page 126 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
155. If You Are Saved Sometime in 1884, at the age of thirty, Tsurumatsu, the eldest son of Matashiro and Seki Moriguchi of Kaichi Village in Yamato Province, had very painful nodules of anthrax on his back. He went to see a doctor because they had begun to form pus. The doctor, giving up on him, said, "This is the end of this man's life. Let him eat anything he likes." Tsurumatsu returned to the Residence where he had come to worship before, and received a blessing directly from Oyasama, who affixed to his sores a piece of sacred paper on which She had breathed. Two or three days later, Tsurumatsu called out from his bed, "Will someone take a look? The bedding has stuck to my body and will not come off." The family came and saw that the nodules had opened and the pus had drained all over the bedding. Then, the family replaced the sacred paper with another which Tsurumatsu had received from Oyasama. This was repeated several times and the anthrax healed completely. When he returned to the Residence to thank Oyasama, She gave him these words:
Tsurumatsu was deeply impressed by these words and thereafter devoted himself to spreading the teachings of God and saving others.
一五五 自分が救かって 明治十七年頃のこと。大和国海知村の森口又四郎、せきの長男鶴松、三十才頃の話。背中にヨウが出来て痛みが激しく、膿んで来て、医者に診てもらうと、「この人の寿命は、これまでやから、好きなものでも食べさせてやりなされ。」と言われ、全く見離されてしまった。それで、かねてからお詣りしていた庄屋敷へ帰って、教祖に直き直きおたすけをして頂いた。 それから二、三日後のこと。鶴松が、寝床から、「一寸見てくれんか。寝床が身体にひっ付いて布団が離れへんわよう。」と叫ぶので、家族 の者が行って見ると、ヨウの口があいて、布団が、ベタベタになっていた。それから、教祖に頂いたお息紙を、貼り替え貼り替えしているうちに、すっかり御守護を頂いた。 それで、お屋敷へお礼詣りに帰り、教祖にお目通りさせて頂くと、
と、お言葉を下された。鶴松は、この御一言を胆に銘じて、以後にをいがけ・おたすけに奔走させて頂いた。 |