Anecdotes of Oyasama 114
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 114 presents the contents of "You Went Through Much Difficulty," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears on page 95 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
114. You Went Through Much Difficulty One day, Tokichi Izumita was held up by three highwaymen on the Jusan Pass. At that time the teaching, "A thing lent, a thing borrowed," which he had often been taught, flashed across his mind. So he obediently took off his coat, kimono, and everything just as he was told. Putting his wallet on top of his clothes, he knelt and bowed respectfully before them. "Please take them all," he said. When he raised his head, the three highwaymen were gone. They must have felt uneasy because he was too obedient, and they left without taking one single thing. Izumita then put his clothes back on and continued to Jiba. When he was granted an audience with Oyasama, She said:
This was how Tokichi was granted the Sazuke. |
一一四 よう苦労して来た 泉田藤吉は、ある時、十三峠で、三人の追剥に出会うた。その時、頭にひらめいたのは、かねてからお仕込み頂いているかしもの・かりものの理であった。それで、言われるままに、羽織も着物も皆脱いで、財布までその上に載せて、大地に正座して、「どうぞ、お持ちかえり下さい。」と言って、頭を上げると、三人の追剥は、影も形もない。 余りの素直さに、薄気味悪くなって、一物も取らずに行き過ぎてしもうたのであった。そこで、泉田は、又、着物を着て、おぢばへ到着し、教祖にお目通りすると、教祖は、
と、仰せになって、結構なさづけの理をお渡し下された。 |
The phrase "you have achieved harmony in the family" may not be an accurate translation of "内々折り合うた." See "Reconciliation" from Koji Sato's Omichi no joshiki and Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 114.