Anecdotes of Oyasama 200
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 200 presents the contents of "Cherish It," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears on between page 158 and 159 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
200. Cherish It On January 11, 1887, Kyuhei Kontani and some members of his confraternity set out for Jiba, carrying on their backs Her red garments and two large red cushions which all the confraternity members had made with sincerity. At Jiba, they stayed at Koemon Murata's house. Accompanied by Risaburo Yamamoto, they were granted an audience with Oyasama on January 13th. She was then resting in the raised chamber of the Resting House and Her eldest daughter, Omasa, was with Her. Risaburo Yamamoto presented the garments before Her and said, "This is an offering that Kyuhei Kontani, a confraternity head from Shikama of Banshu Province, has brought for you to wear." Oyasama accepted it and it was received in the raised chamber. Then, presenting the two cushions before Her, Yamamoto said, "They have also brought these for Your daily use." Oyasama accepted these, too, with joy. Then She told them to close the paper sliding-doors separating the raised chamber from the other room, and to step back. Yamamoto stepped back from the sliding-doors in the eight matted room. Kontani waited in the room with the others, sitting respectfully. After a while, Omasa opened the sliding-doors and called Yamamoto. When he stepped up into the raised chamber close to Oyasama, She handed him a red garment and said:
She continued:
Yamamoto then said, "I will certainly tell him so." Stepping down into the eight matted room, Yamamoto repeated to Kontani in detail what Oyasama had just said. This was how Kyuhei Kontani received the red garment. |
二〇〇 大切にするのやで 明治二十年一月十一日、紺谷久平は、信者一同が真心をこめて調製した、赤い衣服一枚と、赤の大きな座布団二枚を、同行の者と共に背負うて、家を出発し、おぢばに帰らせて頂き、村田幸右衞門宅で宿泊の上、山本利三郎の付添いで、同一月十三日、教祖にお目通りした。教祖は、御休息所の上段の間で寝んで居られ、長女おまさが、お側に居た。 山本利三郎が、衣服を出して、「これは、播州飾磨の紺谷久平という講元が、教祖にお召し頂きたいと申して、持って帰りました。」と申し上げると、教祖は御承知下され、そこで、その赤い衣服を上段の間にお納め下された。つづいて、座布団二枚を出して、山本が、「これも日々敷いて頂きたい、と申して、持って参りました。」と申し上げると、教祖は、それも、お喜び下されて、双方とも御機嫌宜ろしくお納め頂いた。 それから仕切りの襖を閉めて、一寸の間、そちらへ寄っておれ、とのことで、山本は下の八畳の間に下りる。紺谷も、共に畏まっていると、おまさが襖を開けて山本を呼んだので、山本が教祖のお側へ寄らせて頂くと、赤衣を一着お出しになって、
と、仰せられ、つづいて、 「これは、粗末にするのやないで。大切にするのやで。大事にするのやで。」 と、仰せになった。山本は、「きっと、その事を申し聞かします。」とお答えして、八畳の間に下り、紺谷に、教祖から、そう申された、と詳しく話して聞かせた。こうして、紺谷久平は、赤衣を頂戴したのである。 |
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