Anecdotes of Oyasama 13
Anecdotes of Oyasama | ||||||
Anecdotes of Oyasama 13 presents the contents of "Sow the Seed," a selection from Anecdotes of Oyasama, published by Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in 1976. The content below appears between page 8 and 9 of the print edition.
Text: English translation and original Japanese
13. Sow the Seed Tosuke Maeda and his wife Tatsu of Anryu Village, Settsu Province, were peddling flower seeds under the name of Taneichi. They had had many children one after another, and they did not want to have more. But in 1865, Tatsu was again expecting a baby. Then Tatsu heard of a god in Yamato Province who would bring about an abortion, and so she went there. However, she did not arrive at the place of that god, but was guided by an unknown force to Shoyashiki Village. There she was granted an audience with Oyasama, who said:
"What do you mean by sowing seeds?" asked Tatsu. Then Oyasama taught:
Referring to the expected baby, Oyasama added:
These words struck home to Tatsu and convinced her of giving up having an abortion. When she returned home, she told her husband Tosuke of Oyasama's words and he too was convinced. From that time on they often returned to Jiba and received teachings from Oyasama. The baby was born on June 18th of that year and was named Tojiro. Both husband and wife told people of the divine name of Tenri-O-no-Mikoto wherever they went to sell their flower seeds. Moreover, when they met a sick person, either the wife or husband would return to Jiba to pray for that person. All the sick people they prayed for were saved. |
一三 種を蒔くのやで 摂津国安立村に、「種市」という屋号で花の種を売って歩く前田藤助、タツという夫婦があった。二人の間には、次々と子供が出来た。もう、これぐらいで結構と思っていると、慶応元年、また子供が生まれるこ とになった。それで、タツは、大和国に、願うと子供をおろして下さる神様があると聞いて、大和へ来た。しかし、そこへは行かず、不思 議なお導きで、庄屋敷村へ帰り、教祖にお目通りさせて頂いた。すると、教祖は、
と、仰せられた。このお言葉が胸にこたえて、タツは、子供をおろすことは思いとどまった。のみならず、夫の藤助にも話をして、それからは、夫婦ともおぢばへ帰り、教祖から度々お仕込み頂いた。子供は、 その年六月十八日安産させて頂き、藤次郎と名付けた。 こうして、二人は、花の種を売りながら、天理王命の神名を人々の胸に伝えて廻わった。そして、病人があると、二人のうち一人が、お ぢばへ帰ってお願いした。すると、どんな病人でも次々と救かった。 |
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